Sunday, November 20, 2011

Again with Library A to Z

The next two books from the shelves are THE LOCH by Steven Alten and FINAL THEORY by Mark Alpert. Both books deal with science and science theory. The Loch is the story of a scientist who searches for the unusual in the depths of the ocean. He has a catastrophic event happen in the Sargasso Sea that causes him to lose credibility in the eyes of the scientific world. He heads to Scotland the place of his birth to help his father who has been charged with murder. In the process he gets involved in the mystery of the Loch Ness monster. Interesting theories and lots of sightings documented by various people to lend to the mystery. Suspenseful and scary at times, lots of gory happenings. Final Theory tells the story of a professor who had at one time been a protege of a physicist who had been associated with Albert Einstein. After the physicist is tortured and left for dead he whispers a clue before dying. The FBI and the torturer begin a deadly chase for the knowledge that this young professor has been given. It is supposed to lead the Theory of Everything and if it gets into the wrong hands could end the world. Lots of suspense and lots of blood. It's a page turner! Hard one to put down.